The Last of Several...a Success Over All
Verso l´alto! Glory to Jesus Christ! Hello everyone! I apologize that this last post has taken me so long to get to. Unfortunately, it will also be the last one. Thank you for all of your prayers this past summer! I haven't been able to write because I went straight from Honduras to Retreat to Home to Vacation to a very tech light house new House of Seminary Studies (the OLPH Seminary House) ...all within the span of 3 weeks. I pray for you continuously, and hope that you would please continue to pray for myself and all of my brother seminarians. A lot has happened since the summer ended officially, but I felt it important to give you all a summary of the last two weeks or so that I had in the beautiful country of Honduras. Additionally, since some pretty crazy things happened in those last two weeks, I wish to write this for the sake of my own processing and prayer. Our last mission trip ended officially on Sunday, the 23rd of July. It was a beautiful mission, through and th